30 Beautiful Blurred Landscapes

Use these beautiful blurred landscapes for text backgrounds, website backgrounds, or anything you can think of! These high-res stock photos are created with real in-camera blur and they have a nostalgic feel to them.


  • 20 Megapixels of Detail
    These high resolution photos give you plenty of room to crop or print. At 5472×3648 pixels, you can use them for any retina/high-res app or create prints up to 12×18″ at 300 DPI.
  • True In-Camera Blur
    These photos look amazing because they were blurred in-camera. In-camera blur produces much nicer and natural results than digitally-blurred photos.
  • 30 Backgrounds
    With 30 frosted background photos, you’ll have no troubles finding the perfect one for your website, app, or advertisement.

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